“We excel because people are thriving, the environment is flourishing and we are financially viable to continue our work”

About us

Who are we…

We are a farming business known as Bear & Twigg that works with the land to create & build a whole range of possibilities especially for our children and other young people. We have a wisdom and deep love for the land and our community at Canary Island on the Loddon River flooplains of Victoria.

What we do…

We are predominantly a sheep farming business running over 5000 Merino ewes to produce both a self-replacing flock and 1st cross ewe lambs.   Our approach is centred on regenerative agriculture and holistic management; with the sheep being the vital tool for positive environmental change.  

With this focus on building our natural resources and prioritising a growth mindset, new and exciting possibilities with the land, environmental resources and our community are emerging. 

And we believe that by collaborating with people who are inspired, committed and purpose driven, every hectare of land can flourish and provide a sustainable and inspiring future.

How are we different…

By being positive, innovative and people-focused, we are building inspiring social & environmentally-conscious projects within our farming property. We genuinely care about our land and our people and our community. We want the land to flourish and for people to be inspired, especially our children and younger people. We believe that by looking after nature, nature will look after us and our community in ways that we can only begin to imagine.

Our why… “Sustainability with Substance”

Farming can make an enormous difference to the social, environmental, economic fabric of a community - an inspired farm can be a positive change driver in a world where climate change is a reality, mental illness is increasing, the natural environment is declining, and young people are leaving rural communities. Working with nature and working on the land is an inspired solution