Our Family

The Bear & Twiggs

  • Jo Bear

    Jo is the Twigg part of the story; growing up on a nearby sheep farm at Bears Lagoon. After a career as a vet, Jo grabbed the chance to work on Bear’s family farm, creating a role as farm manager of a sheep operation - Bright Futures Livestock. 10 years on, this enterprise is still thriving and has provided the confidence and inspiration for Jo that anyone can be a farmer. Farming is not some secret business. With perseverance & heaps of passion, anyone can farm - ANYONE! Working with the natural environment, with animals (sheep) and with other passionate people on a daily basis is food for the soul.

  • Greg Bear

    Greg is the Bear part of the story, with the Bear family living in the Canary Island district since the 1800s. Working on the farm for over 30 years, Greg has built a deep understanding and respect for the land he farms and the importance that the natural environment & the soil has on its success & sustainability. Through trial and error and the introduction of Holistic Grazing Management practices, Greg is embracing the challenges and benefits of a low-input, native pasture based grazing system.

    He is also a Merino-tragic. Add in AFL footy and he will talk for hours!!

  • Archie

    Heading to university in Melbourne in 2020, Archie has flourished within the academic environment and inner-city living. Building skill and experience in modern history and journalism, Archie is increasing his input and influence within Bear & Twigg’s media content. Archie is a purveyor of sport and community; embracing the inspiring stories behind footy, cricket, soccer and community experiences.

  • Fergus (Ferg)

    Ferg is preparing to spread his wings and move to Melbourne in 2023 to embrace University life and forge his own path. With natural skills in creativity and curiosity, Ferg is building his capacity in Design and will provide inspiration for Bear & Twigg in the coming years. Fergus loves the wide open spaces of the farm, playing community sport and is our main contributor for photos and media input

  • Alby

    Alby has carved his own niche in the family; being the ideas creator of many Bear & Twigg initiatives. A lover of The Beatles, old cars (especially old Toyota utes), photography, gardening, and fish, Alby has encouraged Bear & Twigg to embrace new ideas & knowledge. Our wetlands, native fish project and environmental work have been built on Alby’s inspirations.

  • Harry

    Oh! And we cannot forget Harry - 6th member of the family - an overweight and old Jack Russell who epitomizes what Bear & Twigg value - welcoming everyone with a smile and a friendly bark!