
As the 14-week mark approaches for our vibrant lambs, our attention shifts towards the crucial juncture of weaning and selling. This phase is a cornerstone within our meticulously planned 12-month management strategy. With a well-structured 5-week joining period, our aspiration is to have the bulk of our lambs primed for sale by the close of September. Our commitment is unwavering – each lamb, without exception, is a representation of superior quality. This dedication translates to culling lambs with imperfections such as black spots, undershot jaws, and subpar conformation. Our guiding question remains: "Would I, as a buyer, be content with this ewe lamb?" While perfection may elude us at times, the approach of delivering top-notch lambs early embodies a mutually beneficial arrangement.

A Win-Win Strategy: Elevating Quality

This strategic move proves to be a win-win situation. Buyers can secure these animals at a favorable cost and subsequently oversee the crucial weight gain phase leading up to joining. Meanwhile, we can divest of the lambs before the quality of our premium pasture feed diminishes. This not only reduces direct costs but also frees us to shift our focus towards enhancing the condition score of our ewes in preparation for the upcoming December joining.

With precision and care, we transition into this pivotal phase, confident that our commitment to quality is a pathway to success for all stakeholders involved.