Carbon + Biodiversity Project

Welcome to the forefront of agricultural innovation – the Agriculture Stewardship Carbon + Biodiversity Pilot. This visionary endeavor is dedicated to rewarding farmers for enhancing on-farm biodiversity, while simultaneously acknowledging their contributions to carbon abatement through the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).

Pioneering Steps in the North Central Catchment Area

In 2021, the verdant landscapes of the North Central Catchment area in Victoria became the inaugural site for the Australian Government's groundbreaking scheme. Bear & Twigg had the honor of participating in this pioneering project. However, the nature of a "pilot" undertaking, combined with the area's debut participation, posed its fair share of challenges. From deciphering intricate application forms to aligning with both pilot funding and ERF requisites, the journey was indeed an illuminating one.

The Emissions Reduction Fund and Carbon Offsets

Central to this voyage is the ERF, a cornerstone of Australia's carbon crediting framework. Participants are empowered to earn Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) for each tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2-e) emissions mitigated or averted by their project. These ACCUs can be retained by the landowner or sold, creating income avenues for both the Australian government and secondary markets, including overseas. As of the close of 2022, an ACCU held a monetary value of approximately $33.80, oscillating within the range of $30 to $80.

Nurturing Sustainability: The Application and Planting Process

Participation in the ERF mandates project registration with the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) before a single tree takes root. The CER, recognized globally as a trusted authority, meticulously administers the ERF. Our own journey commenced in 2021, culminating this month in the planting of 2800 stems across 7 hectares of land. This voyage spanned nearly two years, navigating through application intricacies, CER registration, and even surmounting the challenges posed by the spring floods of 2022.

An Investment in Knowledge and Biodiversity

Though obstacles loomed, our unwavering commitment stemmed from the belief that this journey was an opportunity to understand Carbon Offsets inside out – the registration process, the avenues for innovation, and the skills imperative for realizing Carbon Farming's potential within our Bear & Twigg farming venture. The added prospect of augmenting on-farm biodiversity with indigenous plant species native to our region sealed the deal.

A Holistic Vision: Reviving the Ecosystem

The heart of our efforts lies in the vision of the EVC Riverine Chenopod woodland, a habitat that thrived before the era of clearing and waterway alterations. Nestled amidst chenopod grasslands, flood way creeks, and depressions, our endeavor seeks to craft a vital wildlife corridor, uniting the Loddon River, Leaghur Forest, and Bannogher/Pennyroyal creeks. The composition of the Riverine Chenopod woodland embraces a diverse array of plant species, including black box, Acacia stenophylla, salicina, pendula, shrubs like hedge wattle, moonah melaleuca, sweet bursaria, and low shrubs like rhagodia and ruby saltbush.

Tending to the Future: Monitoring and Beyond

As time unfolds, meticulous monitoring will be our ally in managing potential pests like deer, kangaroos, hares, and rabbits. Regular watering, especially during summer, will nurture the thriving ecosystem. Furthermore, as we delve into our farm's carbon emissions data over the coming months, a decision will emerge – whether to sell ACCUs through the ERF or retain them to bolster our farming business's carbon-positive journey.

Guiding Principles from Our Journey

Through this transformative journey, pivotal insights have illuminated our path:

  • Biodiversity plantings must harmonize with your farm's overarching environmental and production plan.

  • Plantings should yield multifaceted benefits, encompassing shelter belts, erosion control, habitat enrichment, and beyond.

  • Gauge your carbon footprint before delving into ACCU sales – sometimes retaining ACCUs may steer you toward carbon neutrality.

  • Note that all plantings must be new, and no preparation, including chemical spraying, can occur prior to CER registration.

  • While applying to the CER might be time-intensive, the records you accumulate serve as indispensable due diligence for future endeavors.

Together, let's champion sustainability, usher in a new era of responsible farming, and cultivate a legacy that thrives on both carbon offsets and flourishing biodiversity.